moving spaces – rural areas

moving spaces” creates inspiring images in motion along a route through public space, where the movement scores meet the built realities of different places.

In 2024, the make a move collective adapts the work as part of the NRW funding program “Tiny Adaptation” in Kaarst: For „moving spaces-rural areas“, the collective leaves the familiar urban structures and tests a sustainable concept in dealing with mobility and material wear.

What does “public space” mean in rural areas? How is it used, how is it shared? How is the choreography between private buildings and the green landscape organized? What are the challenges, how does contact arise?

Kaarst is located in the Rhine district of Neuss between Düsseldorf, Cologne and Mönchengladbach. Around 42,700 inhabitants live in the five districts. Known for its green landscapes and recreational areas such as Lake Kaarst and the city park, the area offers a mixture of rural charm and urban infrastructure.


We invite people between the ages of 6 and 99 to join us for exercise sessions in the public space of Kaarst. No previous experience is required!

When: Sunday, September 08, 2024 11.00h – 13.30h

Where: Meeting point is on the square in front of Kaarst town hall.

We ask for a binding registration in advance, via

The 3 workshop units for the different age groups will take place in parallel.
The workshops take place outdoors – robust, weather-appropriate, comfortable clothing and sports shoes recommended.
The sessions will each be led by 2 experienced dancers from the make a move collective.

A – Playground public space (6 – 9 years)
Playful experience of movement in and conquering space
We invite you to explore the area around the town hall in Kaarst with us as a movement playground: We discover obstacles and overcome them by running, crawling, jumping, climbing and balancing. You can expect dance and movement games in the group and in connection with e.g. steps, park benches or bicycle stands. Experiencing the joy and fun of movement and testing your own skills is the top priority.

B – Dance and Parkour (10 – 15 years)
Are you interested in parkour and contemporary dance?
Do you want to move outdoors and are between 10 and 15 years old?
Then join in!
We offer outdoor movement training on the grounds around the town hall in Kaarst. You can expect group movement games and training elements from contemporary dance and parkour. We use different focuses, such as strength, coordination, locomotion, use of the arms and hands in relation to the ground and in group dynamics.
How can we turn steps, trees, park benches or bicycle stands into our stage?

C – Moving and choreographing in public spaces
(for adults and young people aged 15 and over)

Invitation to outdoor movement training in and around the town hall in Kaarst. The movement material of the make a move collective is a mixture of parkour and contemporary dance. In light exercises and games, we will familiarize ourselves with our surroundings and movement in relation to each other. You will gain insights into the work of the make a move collective in public urban space: How do we approach the structures built for us? How do we allow them to become co-choreographers, offering and challenging ways of moving and playing?

Inspiring images in movement are created along a route in public space, with the movement scores encountering the built realities of different locations. Through the respective architectural features, the outdoor space becomes a play and choreography partner for the dancers, offering and challenging ways of moving. Shifting between elements of parkour and contemporary dance, the make a move collective invites you to take a closer look, perceive your everyday surroundings in a new way and perhaps even get moving yourself. The audience can follow the dancers from one point to the next, but the sudden actions also have an effect on random onlookers.

An event for young and old.

STARTING POINT: Stadtpark Kaarst, end of La Madeleine Allee / near the (large) stage

Duration 40 – 50 minutes.

Concept: make a move collective

Creation/ Performance: Charlotte Brohmeyer, Jennifer Döring, Maria Golding,
Wayne Götz, Jan Lorys, Karoline Strys (Outside Eye), Tim Weseloh

Performances findem im Rahmen des zweiten “KULTURSOMMER KAARST” statt.
Adaption, Workshop und Performances werden gefördert durch Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, sowie Kultursommer Kaarst e.V. Unterstützt durch KulturForum Kaarst e.V. und TANZRAUM NEUSS.